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The workshops are for Any Body of min. 20 years. No previous dance experience is needed, but curiosity, will and endurance are necessary.
We don't promise you that you'll find happynes with us, but we promise you a lot of dance, improvisation, fun and serious work on yourself in holistic way.

CLICK HERE for more information

Develop your art practice,
refine skills and grow
your influence as a teacher.
Learn to teach the art of dance in a safe,
inspiring and intelligent environment.
Develop your teaching or coaching practice and get better grip on various tools for improvisation, from Solo and Duet, to Contact and Group.
Immerse yourself in first class artistic experience and learn how to transfer it within your everyday teaching situation.
Teacher Training Program is designed for dance teachers, coaches and mentors that have an ambition to grow their own classes, workshops or groups. Organized in three modules it is easy to understand and can be implemented in any regular practice.
Applicable in all levels of dance teaching career – from first efforts in teaching world to needs of experienced and advanced dance teachers.
Can be applied to students on all levels of understanding dance.
Can be applied in any kind of teaching or facilitating situation - dance practice, classes, workshops, retreats, team building, personal growth, dance therapy, etc.

Online Teachers course
Video tools library: unlimited, 24/7, access to 67 exercises & tools for dance improvisation, each accompanied with tutorials.
Community membership: closed Facebook group enables discussions, sharing and learning within the group of professionals from all over the world.
Mentors support: one consulting Skype session per year.

Intensive Teachers training
Intensive training: organised twice a year on Bali or in Slovenia; includes direct work with Goran Bogdanovski on subjects as Techniques of Dance improvisation, Teaching Methodology, Body-Mind-Emotion Connection, Physiology, Philosophy, Ethics, & Lifestyle, Group Practicum, Teaching Skills, Presentation Skills and Economic Sustainability.
MODULE ONE: Online Teachers Course INCLUDED
Certificate Dance Improvisation teacher
Earn Affiliate Revenue via Referrals

MODULE THREE: Advanced Teacher Mentorship Program
One-on-one work with Goran Bogdanovski through a series of scheduled Skype or live sessions.
Fully customisable program to meet your specific needs and goals.
Each module is designed to broaden your knowledge base, develop your teaching capacity
but also to raise your physical, mental and emotional levels. Program has a holistic concept
so it will reinforce your life energy and creativity.

Sandra Anais (Slovenia)
As a dance facilitator, I used to teach techniques and sequences (pilates, yoga, contemporary dance, floor work...).
After finishing Dance Improvisation Teachers Training, I’m now able to independently pursue my path as a dance teacher and provide a very expansive, unique and authentic practice for my students & clients. I enhanced my creativity and I’m able to navigate the group dynamics through different phases and processes.
Implementing improvisation tools also helped me in creating my own choreographies and performances.
Goran has a very specific approach as a guide: he’s hyper sensitive, patient, playful and accessible teacher, willing to guide you in whatever direction you propose. He will make you jump into the unknown rivers and he will safely guide you through sharp currents. "

Muriel Juillard (Bali)
"I asked Goran for help to create a format I can use to start to facilitate a group class. He taught me how to structure a dance workshop and gave me some practical tools in movement improvisation that I can use. Most important for me, he also created a safe container for me to dig into myself and see why I am dancing, where does it come from and what do I want to bring to people in my class. To think about all of that brought me more clarity and confidence to step out of my comfort zone.
I facilitated my 1st dance class few days ago and following 8 steps practice gave me a frame to be structured, practical and expressing my creativity at the same time. The result on people, they were amazed by the quality of my teaching for my 1st time, the passion I put in it and they felt inspired by me.
... I’m grateful to Goran that help me give a life to something I was craving to do for a long time but I had a feeling that I’m not good enough to do it. “

Katarzyna Gorczyca (Poland)
“I feel satisfaction from the work we have done. The pleasure that comes from being on stage and contact with the audience which is enjoying, was a goal for me that we achieved thanks to you.”
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Dance Improvisation Teachers Training?
A Performance Based on True Events
Sixteen years after the premiere of the dance hit 1:0 (SNT Opera and Ballet Ljubljana, Glej, 2000), the selection of the Fičo balet original cast decided to perform a dance, football and personal introspection and check how supple their bodies still are and if they are, after all this time, still capable of an appropriate dance-football attack. The performance 1:0 relaxed the classical ballet sentiment and its gracefulness with football humour and irony, and the cast introduced sports jokes into the proverbially mythical and fairytale narrative of the classical ballet literature, because it missed them somewhat in the serious milieu. 1:0 represents one of the final charming dance-theatre goals of the 1990s, the kind that was characteristic for the performing youthfulness of the first years in the new country and for dance theatre, extraordinarily popular at the time. Spectators will see if the humour of 2:0 can also score a good dance goal against us.
The dance performance is a continuation of the legendary 1:0 performance from 1999. The choreographer puts cleats on the dancers, transforms the stage into a football stadium and plays a dance performance on the thin line between art and populism, dance and sport, classic and modern. The original ensemble (Goran Bogdanovski, Dejan Srhoj, Goran Tatar, Damjan Mohorko and Gregor Luštek) came together again after 16 years.

Coach: Goran Bogdanovski
Selection: Dejan Srhoj, Goran Tatar, Damjan Mohorko, Goran Bogdanovski
Super sub: Gregor Luštek
Strategist: Slobodan Maksimović
Expert: Rok Vevar
Technical team: David Cvelbar, Borut Čelik, Kino Šiška
Production: Fičo Balet
Coproduction: Kino Šiška, NOMAD Dance Academy Slovenija, CoFestival
Supported by: City of Ljubljana and CoTeaching program line of the project DANCE ON PASS ON DREAM ON, co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union
Duration: 60 min
Sponsor of the performance: NZS – Slovenian Football Association